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Friday, December 23, 2011

ishaqullah kakar

ishaqullah kakar want strong and strong isla
in afghanistan all of the world.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

ishaqullah kakar do not thinking about the future

ishaqullah kakar do not thinking about the future becuase the future is belong to allah what he will do in the furture he know and ishaqullah kakar just thinking about Afghanistan people will they become a unity i means if they become one unity and make themselve one union they can make their Country becuase every Country in the world promote and come Advancment on them by union.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ishaqullah kakr

Ishaqullah kakar want to become a big personality in the Afghanistan and en-shah-allah he will be a good personality in the Afghanistan. because he love with his country.

Monday, December 5, 2011


ishaqullah love with his country it means
that with afghanistan because it has very brave and hero resident and all of them like hostpatilty and they are helping each other in every time and they do not deffertaut it is pakhtoon uzbak turkman hazari becuase they love each other so much and they do not want to damage each other.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

ishaqullah kakar love with his country and resident of it

ishaqullah kakar always want freedom for his country and love with his country and its resident and he is every time wish to be peace in his country the resident of his country living in peace love with each other and all them become in one unity and making union in their country not just in Afghanistan but all of Muslim countries.